Be Intentional & Realize Your Goals Faster With: 

Leadership Impact Coaching

Get Expert Guidance to Improve Influence, Advance Your Level, Increase Salary and Feel Valued In The Work You Do.  

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Advancing Careers Of Corporate Leaders 

Join an elite group of committed corporate leaders who are intentionally using Leadership Impact Coaching to reach their goals and growth their career.

 STILL Working On the Promotion Or Getting Distracted & Derailed From YOUR Career Goals?

Why Leadership Impact Coaching?

Leadership Impact Coaching is for corporate leaders who want expert guidance so they can realize their potential and achieve their career goals quicker.

A study by the Association for Talent Development found that your probability of achieving a goal hinges on being specific and accountable. When you decide to pursue a goal, your chances of success fall between 10% and 25%. Planning when and how to do it, your chances rise to 40 to 50%. By sharing your goal with someone you care about, you raise the likelihood of success to 65%.
And when you have a specific accountability outcome with that person and an appointment to meet with you on a regular basis, your probability of success skyrockets to 95%

This Coaching Program Is The Fastest Path To Success & Helps You Realize...

  1. What You Want Most by identifying your 3-5 year career vision so you're intentional, purposeful & clear.
  2. How To Get There Quickly with expert guidance and a career plan so you are focused & productive
  3. How To Make Success Easy with tools that provide measurable progress on priorities
  4. Who You To Be with a differentiated leadership brand, feedback & actions
  5. Where You Need To Grow by surfacing any blind spots or development areas
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What You Get When You Join 

Leadership Impact Coaching: 

1:1 Exec Coaching To Fast Track Your Progress

You work with an exec-level coaching expert who is credentialed, accredited and brings accountability & specialized expertise in career planning, communication, emotional intelligence - and most importantly, helping you advance your leadership with confidence and credibility.

Career Plan & Process To Accelerate You

The coaching process has been success-tested across industry and time. With coaching, you'll overcome challenges, issues and blockers so that you can now easily implement your most important goals. The structure and accountability means you'll go further, faster in reaching new levels of impact & growth. 

Leadership Tools To Empower You

On the path to growth and development, assessment and feedback tools are critical to raise self-awareness and help you realize your potential. Your resources include: Leadership Feedback Survey, Personal Brand + Action and Leadership Blind Spot Assessment 

Job Resources To Differentiate You

As part of the program, you’ll receive key job resources to help you land the next role or promotion. These resources include an Executive Resume feedback, LinkedIn Assessment, Interview Skills Guidebook, Career Development Plan Template and a new role First 90 Plan.

Leadership Community To Motivate You

As part of the program, you’ll join a private community of ambitious leaders dedicated to advancing themselves and making a positive impact in their careers and lives. This is an opportunity to have fun, connect, get valuable feedback and be challenged by others in group calls and our private platform.

*  New Role or Promotion   

* Influence * Increase Confidence More Fulfillment Career Development

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If you haven't yet cracked the code to next-level leadership advancement...

Do any of these sound like you?

You feel frustrated - getting promoted anytime soon seems impossible. 

You take pride in your work and know that you've built a great team yet deep down you know you are still undervalued. You are stuck in the same role or management, and it seems unlikely you'll advance. You dream of leading an organization and part of the business that's challenging and invigorating.

You keep finding yourself in the drama and getting derailed - your goals are always last.

You are frustrated and no matter what you try, you can’t seem to break thru and put yourself first. Everything you have been doing up until now has been exhausting and all the change and issues have left you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. You dream of stability and a way to make more impact.

You don't  get the feedback you need and you don't know what you're doing wrong. 

You've invested in degrees and trainings that gave you intellect and credibility, but your career is stalled. You want to grow professionally while making money and maintaining your balance. You dream of having a clear path and the honest input necessary to make significant leaps in your leadership. 

Can You See Why So Many Leaders Like You Are

Advancing Their Careers With
Leadership Impact Coaching?

“Julie taught me how to shape my personal brand messages to elevate my self-promotion during interviews. As a result, I started winning offers.
Together, we rebuilt new statements elevating my brand to one of gaining the result of "How soon can you start?"
I've never felt more prepared and confident in my ability to sell myself."
Trina Burton, Program Manager, Starbucks
“Julie helped me with not just the actions of how to revise my positioning and brand, but also with strategic career insights.
The results are clear and obvious. Today I am in a role that brings me joy and on a path that strongly resonates with my life's purpose. I strongly recommend Julie to anyone looking to up-level their career.”
Paroma Sen, Vice President, SAP
I just landed a new position with the company that was my first choice. Julie was terrific at helping me prioritize my requirements and articulate the value I bring to prospective employers.
There’s no way I would have gone through this process with the confidence and effectiveness that I did without the support.”
Bill Shields, Principle PM Manager, Microsoft
“Julie was an instrumental partner in helping me navigate challenging self-questions, prioritizing things that are truly important to me, and put together an action plan to land a great next job.
I am 100% convinced my success was driven by her coaching and support - and my willingness to actively participate."
Mat Kraetsch, Sr Manager, Talent Management
Riot Games
“Julie is incredibly talented at helping you identify your personal definition of success. 
She will pinpoint exactly what’s holding you back and guide you to the right path to achieve your dreams.
My life has been transformed working with Julie – I would highly recommend her coaching services to anyone."    
Erin Anderson, Chief Operating Officer, AG Consulting Partners
“Julie was instrumental in helping me examine what I needed to do in order to start growing again. The impact on my career has been amazing.
Julie was a change agent for my own self awareness and in helping me achieve my goals. I would highly recommend her to anyone who feels like they need to kick start their career." 
Wes Green, Head of Public Sector Growth, SandboxAQ

* Be intentional with your leadership so you can rapidly reach the most important goals you desire * 

You have landed in the right place.

Next Level Results Are Happening Inside Leadership Impact Coaching...

“Julie brought out parts of my career investigation that I had not yet considered.
I am very grateful for her supportive, active listening and her consistent truth mirror, holding my words up to my actions and helping shine a light on the ways I could improve my approach to my career direction.
Her clarity helped me to make choices I may not have had the courage to make otherwise."
Joanna Harding, Chief Information Security Officer, Manuchar
“Let's start with the easy wins first - I enrolled with Julie in Oct and by end of that year I was already promoted into a dream role that allowed me to stretch my wings with what I learned through her program.
Then the pandemic hit and personal satisfaction was rarely visible.
Julie helped me reprioritize my goals and not once did she let doubt seep in.”
Kiran Kashalkar, Director of Software Engineering, Oracle
I went to Julie for help with my self-confidence. I kept telling myself the same narrative, that I did not belong or that I did not "know enough".
Through in-depth and honest conversations Julie gave me tools to help reframe the story I was telling myself.
I find myself talking in a more clear, concise and confident manner. The work I did with Julie helped me overcome a challenge I have been struggling with for years.” 
Jen Beall, Senior Manager, Amazon
“I recently completed coaching with Julie and the value I got out of it, was far more than I could've ever imagined.
I was at a place in my career, where I was looking for more clarity. Imposter syndrome was real! Through our conversations and exercises, I was able to uncover the reasons why I was doubting this path and realized that I am very capable of being successful
I highly recommend Julie to anyone who's looking for clarity on that next step/role."
Jenny Trieu, CPA Finance Director, TEAGUE
“I came to Julie to help me develop my career plan and support me with the tools and discipline required to be successful.
Through these exercises I was able to develop my professional brand statement, gain confidence in my abilities and create a grounded career plan for my journey forward
Julie created a trusted, open environment and provided the tools and coaching that I needed to be successful in being intentional with my career plan."    
Brian Bilodeau, Head of Business Operations & Strategy, Microsoft Azure
“I sought Julie's coaching to take my career 'to the next level' and round out my skills to lead a broader business. Julie has an innate ability to connect on a personal level through exercises that enable self-discovery.
One of the most exciting parts of coaching is that the exercises to self-actualization build on each other and are applied to current challenges and future learnings.
I view Julie as a strong confident and an important pillar to my career and life!" 
Nicole Magats, Managing Director, US Financial Services, Microsoft

About Career Growth Coaching

Our mission is to inspire and empower leaders to make a positive impact in their career.

We believe that you can do work that fulfills you and make a lucrative living doing so. 

Simply said: We help you reach your goals quicker.


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